import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; /** * Sample implementation of QuickSort for COM2031 AndrĂ© GrĂ¼ning, 2015-2017 * * $Id: 1177 2018-10-09 09:32:36Z ag0015 $ * * October 2019: Manal Helal added the naive implementation for conceptual understanding * of the idea behind quick sort, and simplified the code, and fixed a few bugs * adding more comments to explain the theory * * Revision $Rev: 1177 $ */ public class QuickSort { /** * After the call to this method, S will have the elements at position a * and b swapped. * * @param S * array to operate on * @param a * index of the one element to swap * @param b * index of the other element to swap. */ public static void swap(final int[] S, final int a, final int b) { if ((a < 0) || (a>=S.length) ||(b < 0) || (b>=S.length)) return; final int temp = S[a]; S[a] = S[b]; S[b] = temp; } /** * This is what is known as the ingenious Quick Sort algorithm. * It partitions and moves elements in place (in memory) recursively , better than * delaying the sorting to after partitioning in merge sort. * * After a call to this method, the array S * will be sorted between indices start and final. * * @param S * array of elements to sort * @param start * first element of S to be included in sort (inclusive) * @param end * last element of S to be included in sort (inclusive) */ public static void QSort(final int[] S, final int start, final int end) { // base case: nothing to do. if (start >= end) return; final int pivot = S[end]; /** * reorder elements in S between left and end such that all elements that * are smaller than or equal to the pivot element are to the left of the * pivot element and all elements that are greater than the pivot are to the * right of it. */ // new rightmost to deal with: int left = start; int right = end - 1; while (left <= right) { // find element > P, starting from left while (left <= right && S[left] <= pivot) { left++; } // find element <= P, starting from right while (left <= right && S[right] > pivot) { right--; } // swap the two elements to the other part of the list. if (left < right) { swap(S, left, right); } } // swap pivot into middle, left always ends up pointing to the first // element of the "right half" swap(S, left, end); // left is the position of the swapped pivot, that we need to repartition around in the next recursive call QSort(S, start, left - 1); QSort(S, left + 1, end); } /** * The following 3 methods provide the naive implementation of quick sort to reveal the intuition of its design without worrying about memory efficiency at the moment * The intuition of quick sort is to show the importance of constant reductions in Asymptotic complexity when you combine the sorting step with the partitioning step * MergeSort is O(c1.n log n) which is the same for best, average and worst case, and you do all the sorting in the merge step * and Quick Sort is O(c2.n log n), in best and average, but worst case is O(n^2) based on the value that happened to be in the pivot index * It is easy to show that c2 < c1, because of the chance of using a pivot value that divides the list into equal halves in each step, and because * because combining the sorting while partitioning, you are doing less operations (c2) than the merge step in mergeSort (c1) * @param S * array of elements to sort * */ static class ReturnValue { int [] S_left = null; int pivot; int [] S_right = null; ReturnValue (int [] A1, int pivot, int [] A2) { this.S_left = A1; this.pivot = pivot; this.S_right = A2; } } public static int [] QSort_naive(final int[] S) { // Any recursive call require a termination condition, return the list in case it contains zero or 1 element if (S.length <= 1) return S; else { // Otherwise, choose a pivot, can be the first element or the last element, and there is research on random selection benefits // the pivot value will hopefully split the array into 2 equal sublists (or as even as possible) - best case making the depth of recursion O(log n) // however the value can be for a sorted or reverse sorted input array, in which the recursion will always return empty list in A1 or A2, // and the rest of the element in the other, making the complexity O(n^2) int pivot = S[S.length - 1]; // since we do not care about space efficiency for now, copying to new places in memory is not too bad. // The idea here is to return the unsorted list of S elements less than the pivot in A1, // and the unsorted S elements that are greater than the pivot in A2 // in one scan of S, O(n) - c2 here is less than c1 in he merge step - check yourself ReturnValue parts = Partition(S, pivot); // here is the recursive calls making use of Java API to concatenate the returned arrays // the recursion keeps on until the lists size is 1 and return their concatenation only up the recursion tree until all is done. return concatenate(QSort_naive(parts.S_left), pivot, QSort_naive(parts.S_right)); } } public static ReturnValue Partition(final int[] S, int pivot) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List l1 = new ArrayList<>(); // create a list to append the values less than the pivot List l2 = new ArrayList<>(); // create a list to append the values greater than the pivot for (int i=0;i pivot) l2.add(S[i]); } return new ReturnValue(>i).toArray(), pivot,>i).toArray()); // return to int[] } public static int [] concatenate(final int [] S_left, int pivot, final int [] S_right) { int [] S = new int[S_left.length + S_right.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i l1 = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, n).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); double ratio = 0; // do a 1000 times: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // create new random sequence of numbers to fill both arrays // identically: // System.out.println(); Collections.shuffle(l1); int [] s =>kk).toArray(); // sort s using our implementation: long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); s = QSort_naive(s); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsed_n = end - start; if (elapsed_n == 0) elapsed_n= 1; Collections.shuffle(l1); int [] qs =>kk).toArray(); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); QSort(qs, 0, qs.length - 1); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsed_qs = end - start; if (elapsed_qs == 0) elapsed_qs= 1; if (i == 0) ratio = elapsed_qs / elapsed_n; else ratio = ((elapsed_qs / elapsed_n) + ratio) / (i+1); Collections.shuffle(l1); int [] t =>kk).toArray(); // sort t using Java's implementation: Arrays.sort(t); // check whether results are the same for both algorithms if (!Arrays.equals(t, s)) { error1_count++; } if (!Arrays.equals(t, qs)) { error2_count++; } } // for(int i: s) { // System.out.print(i); // System.out.print(' '); // } // System.out.println(); // Output the number of errors made, should be 0, or we need to search // for bugs... System.out.println("Naive Quick Sort Errors: " + error1_count); System.out.println("In-memory Quick Sort Errors: " + error2_count); System.out.println(" In average, In memory Quick sort is " + ratio + " faster than Naive Quick Sort"); } }