import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Test; /** * Implementation of the Knapsack algorithm for COM2031 * * @author gruening, 2015-2017. * * Test Cases added by Manal Helal * @version $Id: 999 2017-11-15 09:56:28Z ag0015 $ */ public class KnapSack { /** * Test method for {@link KnapSack#pack(Interval[])}. */ @Test public final static void testKnapSack () throws AssertionError { for (int n=1; n<=10; n++) { // test for all arrays of Jobs of size n, from size of 1 to 10 List l = new ArrayList<>(); // initialise all the jobs with random name, random start and finish times Random r = new Random(); String alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; System.out.println ("\n\nTest Case with " + n + " Items:"); while (l.size() < n) { char randomName = alphabet.charAt(r.nextInt(alphabet.length())); int weight = r.nextInt(50); // how much to wait for between intervals generated int value = r.nextInt(50); // how long each one Item i = new Item(Character.toString(randomName), weight, value); l.add(i); System.out.println ("Item " + + " weight: " + i.weight + ", value: " + i.value); } Collections.shuffle(l); Item[] items = new Item[l.size()]; l.toArray(items); final int maxWeight = r.nextInt(50) * 5; final KnapSack knapSack = new KnapSack(items, maxWeight); final int maxValue = knapSack.pack(); System.out.print(knapSack); System.out.println("Maximal Value of knapsack with maximal Weight " + maxWeight + ": " + maxValue); knapSack.printSelectedItems(); } System.out.println ("\n\nAll Test cases finished. There are no assertions, you neeed to check by eye!"); } /** represents items we want to store in the knapsack */ public static class Item { /** item name -- for convenience */ private final String name; /** value of this item */ private final int value; /** weight of this item */ private final int weight; /** * creates a new item with * * @param name * its name * @param value * its value * @param weight * its weight. */ public Item(final String name, final int value, final int weight) { this.weight = weight; this.value = value; = name; } /** * Convenience method for pretty printing of an item. */ @Override public String toString() { return "Item [name=" + name + ", value=" + value + ", weight=" + weight + "]"; } } /** list of items to select from. */ private final Item[] items; /** maximal weights this Knapsack can hold. */ private final int maxWeight; /** * creates a new instance of the Knapsack problem, and sorts the items given * into * * @param items * these items available by their weight. * @param maxWeight * maximal weight the knapsack can hold. */ public KnapSack(final Item[] items, final int maxWeight) { this.items = items; // shallow copy this.maxWeight = maxWeight; // sort by weight -- O(nlogn) Arrays.sort(this.items, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Item arg0, Item arg1) { return arg0.weight - arg1.weight; } }); } /** * 2D array for memoization. First index is number of items considered, and * second index is current weight limited considered. */ private int[][] M; /** * initialise the array. Note that this tkake O(nW) time with n the number * of items, and W the maximal weight allowed for the Knapsack. * * -1 marks that we haven't yet filled a slot in M. (We could as well take * any other negative value, or even type Integer and assing null to it.) */ private void initCalculation(final int maxWeight) { for (int i = 0; i < this.items.length + 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < maxWeight + 1; j++) { M[i][j] = -1; } } } /** * calculate maximal value implemented as a wrapper for the recursive call * of calculateOPT. * * Try both version of the algorithm -- be sure to uncomment initcalculation * when using the recursive version. **/ public int pack() { // +1 because we also have entries for M[0,.] and M[.,0]. M = new int[this.items.length + 1][maxWeight + 1]; // initCalculation(maxWeight); // return calculateOPTrecursive(this.items.length, maxWeight); return calculateOPTiterative(this.items.length, maxWeight); } /** * recursively calculate OPT values for a given weight limit. * * @param noItems * the number of initial items to consider from this.items. * @param weightLimit * weight still available in the Knapsack. */ private int calculateOPTrecursive(final int noItems, final int weightLimit) { if (noItems == 0) return 0; // no items left, end of recursion. if (weightLimit <= 0) return 0; // no space left in knapsack, end of recursion. // itemsLeft are at this point at least 1 and weightLimit is positive. // if not yet memoised, calculate the value: if (M[noItems][weightLimit] == -1) { // current is the item with the largest weight still available. final Item current = items[noItems - 1]; // retrieve OPT value for all Knapsack solutions up to but excluding // the current item: final int valueWithoutCurrent = calculateOPTrecursive(noItems - 1, weightLimit); // enough space left for current item at all? if (current.weight > weightLimit) { // no -- then we can't add it M[noItems][weightLimit] = valueWithoutCurrent; } else { // enough space left! // Get value if we included the current interval. int valueWithCurrent = current.value + calculateOPTrecursive(noItems - 1, weightLimit - current.weight); // and compare to the maximal OPT without the current item so // far. M[noItems][weightLimit] = Math.max(valueWithCurrent, valueWithoutCurrent); } } return M[noItems][weightLimit]; } /** * iteratively calculate OPT values for a given weight limit. * * @param noItems * the number of initial items to consider from this.items. * @param weightLimit * weight still available in the Knapsack. */ private int calculateOPTiterative(final int noItems, final int weightLimit) { // no item to pack, no value: for (int w = 0; w <= weightLimit; w++) { M[0][w] = 0; } for (int i = 1; i <= noItems; i++) { // do part of the initialisation: no weight left, no value: M[i][0] = 0; final Item current = items[i - 1]; for (int w = 0; w <= weightLimit; w++) { final int weightLeft = w - current.weight; if (weightLeft < 0) // no space for current item. M[i][w] = M[i - 1][w]; else { // space for current item: do we gain value if taken? M[i][w] = Math.max(current.value + M[i - 1][weightLeft], M[i - 1][w]); } } } return M[noItems][weightLimit]; } /** * pretty-print this Knapsack problem in LaTeX. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); // Table Header: s.append("Weight:\t"); for (int j = 0; j < maxWeight + 1; j++) { s.append(j + "\t"); } s.append("\n"); // Table Content: for (int i = 0; i < items.length + 1; i++) { s.append(i + " Items\t"); for (int j = 0; j < maxWeight + 1; j++) { s.append(M[i][j] + "\t"); } s.append("\n"); } return s.toString(); } /** * Iteratively find which items to include from the table M of memoised OPT * values. * * @param numItems * for this many first items from items. * @param weightLimit * with this remaining weight avaiable */ private void findSolutionIterative(final int numItems, final int weightLimit) { int w = weightLimit; for (int i = numItems; i > 0; i--) { if (M[i][w] > M[i - 1][w]) { Item selected = items[i - 1]; System.out.println("Selected item: " + selected); w -= selected.weight; } } } /** * Recursively find which items to include from the table M of memoised OPT * values. * * @param numItems * for this many first items from items. * @param weightLimit * with this remaining weight avaiable */ private void findSolutionRecursive(final int numItems, final int weightLimit) { if (numItems == 0) // end of recursion: exhausted all items return; if (weightLimit <= 0) // end of recursion: exhausted weight limit. return; final Item current = items[numItems - 1]; // if inclusion of current item for given weightLimit increases OPT // value, take it. if (M[numItems][weightLimit] > M[numItems - 1][weightLimit]) { /* * just print it out in this case, but we could also add to a * dedicated list of the selected intervals -- what you do precisely * depends on the user of your algorithm. */ System.out.println("Selected item: " + current); findSolutionRecursive(numItems - 1, weightLimit - current.weight); } else findSolutionRecursive(numItems - 1, weightLimit); } /** * print selected items for this Knapsack */ public void printSelectedItems() { //findSolutionRecursive(items.length, maxWeight); findSolutionIterative(items.length, maxWeight); } /** * Test with data from the slides * * @param args * unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { final Item[] items = { new Item("1", 1, 1), new Item("2", 6, 2), new Item("3", 18, 5), new Item("4", 22, 6), new Item("5", 28, 7) }; final int maxWeight = 11; final KnapSack knapSack = new KnapSack(items, maxWeight); final int maxValue = knapSack.pack(); System.out.print(knapSack); System.out.println("Maximal Value of knapsack with maximal Weight " + maxWeight + ": " + maxValue); knapSack.printSelectedItems(); testKnapSack(); } }